Tues. 09:30 to 10:45
Yoga is the timeless art and science of being in the present moment with awareness of body, mind and breath. It was developed by ancient yogis using inner resources to live in harmony with themselves and the environment.
Today Iyengar yoga follows a safe, systematic approach to poses giving consideration to techniques and timing. Developed and taught in all five continents by one of the most influential teachers in the world, B.K.S. Iyengar. Enabling a beginner to progress surely and safely from basic postures to the most advanced as they gain flexibility, strength and sensitivity of the mind, body and spirit.
Students are given individual attention and may be encouraged to use props to help them do the poses mindfully and correctly, with pranayma (breath and energy control) gradually introduced.
Most people experience a sense of well-being as the body and mind relax and become energised.
Class schedule
Classes will resume from Jan 2014 and will run with the academic term. You can join at any time but for admin purposes classes are sold as 8 week-blocks. Should you miss a class then you can make that up elsewhere within the block.
It is recommended to attend regularly for the most benefit. However if you prefer to ‘drop-in’ the cost is £9 per class, assuming there is space. Please use the form on the Julie Anderson website contact page to select level and time of class you wish to attend, and complete comment box for health declaration.
Beginners: Suitable for beginners and continuing students who wish to consolidate at this level.
Where – Newlands Centre
When – Tuesday, 09:30 > 10:45
Contact – Sue 01968 661540